In 26+ years of ministry in either Southern Baptist churches or denominational work, I have had the privilege of meeting many people. People that have been members of churches I have been a part of, pastors in communities where I have served, professionals who have helped in many aspects of ministry, and various leaders across our denomination. It seems that when conversations arise, and a resource is needed, I jokingly say “hey, I know a guy”. But thinking of the word “know”, I ask myself the question “how many people do I really know?” We can know someone because of their career, what they can do in their job. We can know someone casually, we see them in passing in the neighborhood, maybe talk for a few minutes, know the basic facts of them and their family. We can know someone personally, know about their family, job, interests, hang out socially, even talk about frustrations and problems. The true question is how many people do we know intimately, knowing what makes them tick, what brings them happiness, what their heart is feeling, what they have as dreams and goals, what they fear.
Each type of knowing someone is built on the foundation of relationships. 1 John 2:7-14 shares that the light of Christ is already shining in this world and how it can powerfully shine through believers when we love each other. Shining light in our relationships means being around that person who you know will always be honest with you, who speaks the truth in love and who has your best interest at heart. Conversely in a relationship where darkness has blinded our eyes, you might continually be concerned about what someone will say. Will truth be spoken, or will words be in anger or deceit? In this type of relationship, you are always wondering what that person will say next, you really don’t know them or can trust them. These relationships do not have a foundation of love and will not shine the light of Christ.
Verses 12-14 describes the life of those who know Christ and His sacrifice which allows them to truly know the Father. The description found in these verses seems to describe physical age but really is focusing on the development of the believer.
For those who know Him as little children, their sins are forgiven but they do not know what it means to abide in Him or to walk in faith each day. They are early in their growth as a believer, that is why we must do our best to help them grow stronger and more mature each day.
For those who know Him as young men, they are learning how to overcome temptation in their life, to grow stronger in their faith, and have to allow the Word of God to abide in their hearts.
For those who are fathers in the faith, they know him who is from the beginning. These believers have matured in their faith where they understand the power and glory of John 1:1-4. (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life,1 and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ESV) They know the faithfulness of God through all generations, the power of God to protect His people, the mercy of God that gives us His salvation, and the provision of God that will give us everything that is good.
How do you know God today? Do you know Him casually, socially, or intimately?
I hope you know Him intimately, where your relationship with Him is one where you walk daily with Him, sharing your fears, your happiness, your heart.
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