Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Life Begins with Truth

Have you ever been deceived? How did that make you feel? Were you joyful or happy about being lied to? Did you feel valued or important, that you really mattered? Being deceived probably left you feeling sad, lonely, and devalued. The only way you can determine if you have been deceived is by knowing the truth. If someone has deceived you, they have hidden the truth from you, most likely for their benefit.

There is one who deceives that is only concerned about our destruction, the devil. His main purpose is to feed us lies so people do not know or hold to the truth concerning life. His deception regarding life is multifaceted. He wants us to believe that life is what you make of it on this earth. To focus on money, power, prestige and success are part of his deception. He can also be successful in his deception negatively by making us believe that we are no good, we have no purpose, and we have nothing to live for.

1 John 5:6-12 gives us the antithesis to the deception, that is fed to us from the devil, and that is the truth. “And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.” (v.6b) When the truth is spoken, it is freeing, it brings safety, it brings security, it brings LIFE! God’s truth tells us that our life is valuable, our life has purpose, our life can be full of joy, and that our life in him is for eternity. Without God, man can only see life in a temporal, self-satisfying perspective. But the truth of God tells us “that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (v.11-12) If we will grasp the understanding that the eternal life that God has given to us begins NOW then our perspective for how we approach each day will change. We should daily, moment by moment, rely on the Spirit of God to reveal the truth in every situation of life. We should allow the truth of God’s Word to permeate all corners of our life, so we are not deceived by the devil and his schemes. We should hold to the truth that God walks with us and will never leave us, no matter what situation we face. We should remember that he loves us, values us, and has a purpose for us. These, and many more, are the truths of life found in Christ.

What are areas of your life where you are being deceived?

Are you believing that life is built around success, possessions, or pleasure? How can you refocus on how God would have you live your life with an eternal focus?

Are you believing the deception that you do not matter, you don’t have a purpose, or that your life is not important? Then look to the TRUTH that God loves you and has a purpose for you even when circumstances and deceptions make you feel otherwise.

Pray! Ask God for HIS direction, HIS peace, His purpose! Look to HIS truth in scripture and the confirmation of HIS spirit to lead each day of your life. If you have given your heart to God, asked Him to forgive you of your sin and for Him to take control of your life, eternal life has already begun for you. When you made that decision, a new life began that will never end. You will leave this earth and continue life in Christ in heaven. Don’t wait, thinking that the blessings of eternal life only begin when you leave this earth. Life in Christ is peace, hope, purpose, and filled with blessing. Listen to the TRUTH about life today!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Victory in Faith

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word victory? Is it winning a race, a football game, or a tournament? Is it completing a task, or passing a test, or maybe accomplishing a goal you set? Each of these things required training, practice, dedication, patience, and sacrifice. You don’t just get in line for a race with no preparation or training and expect to come in first place. Early on in school I came to the realization that I was not a very fast runner. I could have improved my running ability but, I did not like to run so I was not committed to improve. My lack of dedication and commitment to running was not going to bring me victory in the next race at school. I could not just say, “I have faith that I will do better next race”, when I had no intention to be dedicated to train.

The experiences of life leave many people longing to have a sense of victory in their life. There is such a sense of uncertainty and turmoil that leaves people defeated.  Many people have lost someone they love. Others are struggling financially due to the loss of their job or their hours being cut.  Marriages and relationships are strained or broken. Many of those who are facing these and other problems are feeling a complete sense of defeat. Jesus tells us in the last part of John 16:33 “In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” There is nothing this world offers that will bring lasting victory. Success is met with failure, happiness is met with sadness, wealth is met with poverty, safety is met with danger. Placing or faith in anything of this world will, at some point, be met with defeat.

There is only one source of victory. There is only one way to overcome the defeat we will experience in this world. 1 John 5:4 brings hope to the heart that is feeling defeated, “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” Faith, not in the things of the world, but faith as it states in 1 John 5:5, “Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” The answer is YES! Faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as his sacrifice for our sin is the only way to overcome this world.

When the bible speaks of a “new birth” it is an evidence of new life, life that is necessary because the life that we live on this earth will lead to death, but the life we begin anew with God is eternal. That is victory! 1 John 5:1 – “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him.” There is victory knowing that we are a child of God. There is victory knowing that His love brings believers together as one, sharing the same love they received from God. There is victory knowing that God has called us to a specific purpose and given us direction for life. 1 John 5:2-3 – “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.”

Are you feeling victorious today? If not, have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ and his promise of new life in him? If you are feeling victorious today, is it a temporary victory or is it one that is based on your obedience to God’s command in your life? Will you look to him today for hope, joy, peace, and the promise of eternal life that can begin today as you place your faith in him?

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Loving Others is NOT Optional

Considering the current condition of our country, and our world, the passage in 1 John 4:7-21 could not be more appropriate. As God led me months ago to devotionally write through the book of 1 John it would not have occurred to me that we would be in such turmoil. This anger, hate, fear, and prejudice that is displayed amongst our fellow man can only find a resolution through the power of God. There is no better time to understand that God has given us love (v.7) and has called his children to love. He has called his children to give his love to others because without a relationship with him, the people of this world know nothing about love (v.8).

The love that we are commanded to have is not one that just remains inside our minds and thoughts. God’s love was “manifested” (v.9), displayed, acted upon, given to us so that we might understand and possess life. God did not wait until we deserved or could earn his love, he gave it to us while we were still filled with selfishness, pride, hate, anger, and prejudice. He made the first move. He loved us before we said we would receive it.  He willingly acted on his love that he sacrificed his son to fulfill the required penalty for our sin (v.10). 

If you have confessed that you are a sinner before God and have given your heart and life to him, how are you giving that love to others? How have you made the first move to love one another?

In this passage there is a sense of obligation, a matter of duty to love. Verse 11 says, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” If our life has been forgiven because of the love of God, given through Jesus Christ, we should not only have an incredible sense of gratitude but also a hunger for the things of God, a passion to be more like the example of Christ, a heart that loves. This is the foundation of God’s message of grace and so key to a pure message that he says, “whoever loves God MUST also love his brother (v.21).” God’s call on our lives is to be that visual representation of his love (v.12).

Does your heart naturally love others? Is it a visual representation of the love of God?

Is it difficult for you to love? If it is difficult to love others, it is an indication that your heart does not abide with Christ (v.16). Some might think that they will “get to” loving others at some point. Others might be afraid to step out and share love with others.  “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear (v.18).” I believe this is why we face such difficulty with loving one another, we are afraid. We are afraid of someone rejecting our display of God’s love. We are afraid of what others think if we display love to someone that is “not like us”. We are afraid to be the one to act first.

If we live in this fear, we have truly not understood the love of Christ. Many religions build their foundation on fear. Fear that they will fail God. Fear that they will lose their salvation. Fear that they cannot be good enough for God. We would all be in such a desperate situation if God chose to withhold or delay his love for us because of our failures. As Romans 5:8 tells us that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”, we are assured that he knows who we are, what we have done, and how we are not perfect. But he still loves us!

So how can we love with the love of God?

Love someone even if:

-         they do not deserve it

-         they do not respond positively

-         their life is different than yours

-         they keep messing up

-         they look different than you

Love someone because God loves them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Something Tells Me...

Do you ever get that feeling inside you when you know something is not quite right? You might be thinking of that feeling you get when you eat to much at the all you can eat buffet and you say, “something tells me I’m going to pay for that later”. I am thinking more of when something you believe or trust in is challenged and you say, “something tells me that I shouldn’t believe that”. So, what do you do when you have that feeling? You typically compare what you are hearing with what you know, trust, or have experienced. You might also consider the source of the information you are hearing, “oh, that’s just __________, you can’t trust anything they say”.

As we live a life surrendered to God, we are faced with many voices that attempt to influence what we think, believe and trust. Satan might be the source of teaching that is false, and the deception used to lure people away from the truth of the gospel, but he can utilize many, whose hearts are deceived, to spread his lies. 1 John 4:1-6 gives us guidance and hope as we face these spiritual attacks. Verse 1 tells us to test what we hear, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” When I think of a test that finds the facts I think of when I test the water in our pool. I use a strip that has four tabs on it and all it needs is just a small sample of the water to react and reveal the condition of the water. If it has too much or not enough chlorine(which is the foundation of what keeps the water clean), if the PH is to high or low, if the water is hard or soft, and how much alkalinity it has. All that from just a small sample of water, not the 18,000 gallons of water it holds.

We must run a test many times per day on all that influences our lives and the foundation of that test is if the source of that information confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh (v.2b). This is foundational because their information needs to come from the truth of scripture and not some man made, pride driven, self-focused beliefs that will lead you away from total surrender to God. Their message is so appealing and sounds so similar to biblical teaching that many in the world will listen. They are not speaking truth, “they are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them.” (v.5)

So, how do we know if someone’s message is one based on the truth of the gospel? First, from past experiences you might know right away that their information is not based on a faith in Christ and the authority of his word. Second, you just might not trust this person based on prior interaction or the integrity of their character. Third, you know the truth. Verse 4 says, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” The question becomes, how well do you know the truth of scripture? How well do you know the character and nature of God? Do you know him well enough that when you are presented with something that is not from him that you would know the difference?

When you live each day with this foundation of faith, trust, and truth that voice inside that causes you to say, “Something tells me”, is the Holy Spirit of God. The second half of verse 6 says, “By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error”, when someone listens to faithful teaching and words that are founded on the word of God. The more you know His Word, believe His Word, and live His Word, that voice will become louder and louder.

Who or what are you listening to? How have you tested what you are hearing?

Have you confessed in your heart that Jesus has come in the flesh from God to defeat death and the grave so that we might have a relationship with Him? If not, will you surrender to him today?

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Priority of People

Why are people so important to our lives? Have you ever asked yourself that question? In Genesis 2:18 God’s plan from the beginning was that, “It is not good that man should be alone”. Human relationships are vital to the expression of the love that God has sacrificially given to us. It is so important that in 1 John 3:11-22 our love for one another is one part of the litmus test of our obedience to God. The second part of this test of our obedience is our belief in the name of Jesus Christ. These two parts are linked because the purpose of one is evidenced in the other.

The purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection was God’s love for people. You and I, the people of this earth, are the only part of God’s creation that He made “a little lower than the angels” (Psalm 8). His love for us is shown as he sent his son, “who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.” (Hebrews 2:9) Our belief in Jesus Christ as the founder of life and the conqueror of death is one display of our obedience to him. Our obedience is seen as we surrender our will to his; when his plans are greater than ours.

Hebrews 2:11 continues to help us understand how these two parts, of the test of our obedience, go together. “For he who sanctifies (Jesus) and those who are sanctified (you and me) all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying, ‘I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.’” 

1 John 3:14 “We know that we have passed out of death into life. Because we love the brothers.”

God as the source of life, given through Jesus Christ, is the only hope for mankind as we are born into this world as ones who are destined to death. Without knowing and accepting the gift of life, from the one who has conquered death, we live a life never knowing the love that God has for you. He desires for us to become his children. He desires for us to know how much he loves us. He desires for us to display that love to all so that they might also know his love.

Having love for one another in friendships and marriage are part of God’s plan to reveal His love to the world. We cannot limit the love we share because God’s love is limitless. We cannot choose who we display his love to because his love is for all. We cannot determine if someone deserves his love because none of us are worthy. Loving people can be difficult, especially if we have been hurt by someone. The kind of love spoken of in this passage is not necessarily one where you open every deep part of your life and expose it to every person you meet. The love here is one that displays and offers the love of Christ that fills your heart. A love that forgives, even if undeserving. A love that looks at each person as they are someone that Christ died for, not as a tool to help us accomplish what we want in life.

How does your life display that you have passed from death to life?

In what ways have you surrendered your will to him?

How are you showing the love of Christ?

Is there someone you have chosen not to show the love of Christ? Why?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hope in Christ

Hope is a beautiful word that can bring focus, assurance, peace, and even anticipation. But the use of the word hope can determine certainty and not speculation. When we hope FOR something it leaves room for doubt. When we hope IN something it brings a certain level of security. Think for a moment about what we hope for. We can hope for a raise at work or that we will even have a job at the end of the month. We can hope for a vaccine for a virus, a cure for a disease, the healing of a marriage, the recovery from addiction, or the release from the pain of grief. All of these are things that we hope would happen, and with the power of Christ can happen. There is just not a certainty as to if, when, or how they will happen.

If certainty is what you are looking for, it comes when we hope IN Christ. The hope we have in Christ is based on the promise of God. 1 John 3:1-2 speaks of a promise that brings hope. “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” God promises, to those who believe in Christ and have given their life to him, that we are now receptors of God’s love as his children. As children we have the protection, provision, and promise of God’s love. And if that is not enough, he promises that when Christ returns for his bride, the church, we will be like him. The pain, grief, uncertainty of this world will no longer affect us.

How do we live in this hope in Christ? By choosing to purify ourselves in Christ. 1 John 3:3 – “And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.” The focus of life moves toward living IN Christ and away from living FOR the temporary things of life. That might sound easier said than done because the things of life are what press on us from every side. Our bodies face illness, our jobs can be lost, bills can pile up, relationships can be difficult, and our lives can face a new challenge every day.

2 Corinthians 4:7-12 speaks of how our life is fragile and imperfect but what we do have is the life of Christ at work in us. Our hope IN Christ is lived out in how we make every decision, react to each situation, respond to each person, and dwell on each thought. Just remember that those who do not have this hope will not understand how we can live with peace and assurance. They will not understand that our perspective has changed from the “light momentary affliction” to an “eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” (2 Cor 4:17) They will not understand the promise of God for eternal life with him. (1 Thess. 4:13-18 – “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.”)

A believer’s hope is not a wish or a dream, it is a promise. A promise to those who practice the righteousness of God. A promise for those who HOPE IN HIM.

Where are you placing your hope today? Is it IN the promise of Christ or is it FOR something unknown?

How are your decisions, reactions, responses, and your thoughts showing your hope?

How is your life (your jar of clay) displaying the hope of the gospel, the promise of Christ?

Monday, April 6, 2020

Practice Makes...

There is a fallacy in the saying, “practice makes perfect”. Many people practice a multitude of things each day. Some practice their favorite sport, either hitting a hundred golf balls at the driving range, baseballs at the batting cages, or dribbling and shooting at the basketball court. Other people practice an instrument, piano, trumpet, drums or dozens of others. Anyone can tell you that they practice, becoming better at their given sport or instrument but they have never achieved perfection. Their practice improves their technique, their muscle memory, their strength, and even how their mind handles every situation they face as they participate in their skill or hobby. 

A friend told me, as we were playing a round of golf, that if I broke 100 it would mean that I had quit doing my job to be able to spend all the hours of practice it would take me to improve. He didn’t have much hope in my improvement because I was not going to spend the kind of time needed for me to get any better. I didn’t have the dedication or commitment needed to practice enough to improve.

Any time you practice it can be physically painful and mentally challenging. Practice reveals the inner commitment of a person. All of which is based on the hope that they will improve and achieve success.

1 John 2:28-29 discusses how believers, little children, abide in the righteousness of Christ. We show this commitment by how we practice righteousness. Believers are to become more and more like Christ.

We will never become perfect at being righteous this side of heaven, but we are to put the time, energy and commitment into our practice. Just as an athlete or musician must practice to hone their skill and ability so is the believer to hone their life to become more like Christ. A believer who spends time allowing the Word of God permeate their life will learn how to improve their technique of how to face daily decisions in life. Their repetitive practice of allowing the Holy Spirit to guide their words, actions and attitude improves their “muscle memory”, making it a little easier each day to display the righteousness of God. Relying on the peace of God, in the struggles and challenges of life, will build our strength to walk with hope.

Do your actions and responses to life display the righteousness of Christ?

How are you practicing righteousness every day? Are you reading the Bible and changing the parts of your life that it shows you is not like the righteousness of Christ?

How much time and commitment are you giving to strengthen your spiritual life?

What is holding you back from being more committed to practicing righteousness?

Romans 5:3-6 gives an answer to any question of how or why we think we cannot be committed enough to practicing righteousness. Through the power of Christ and His commitment to us, we can overcome any obstacle that keeps us from becoming more like Christ.

3Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 6You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
He died for you, will you live for Him today?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Focus on the Truth

How do we know something is true? In today’s digital world of information, we tend to think we have access to every fact we need to know truth. But what makes something true? Is it because Wikipedia says its true? Is it because someone wrote an article on a subject that makes something true? It might be that we had an experience in life that makes us believe something is true.  Where is our fact check system? What is the real source of truth? The internet?

The truth about material things in life comes from the ones who created them. For instance, if you want to know all the truth about a certain car then go to the person that designed and built the car. They can tell you everything there is to know about the frame, electronics, tires, engine, horsepower etc. But there is a limitation to the truth they believe about their car. They do not know when the engine will fail, how long the tires will last, when the electronics will malfunction, or if it will have all its horsepower in years to come.

When it comes to life, truth can only come from the one who created life, God. Many people have never heard of the God of creation and walk in life ignorant to the truth. But there are many who have heard the redemptive message of God, for a period of months or years, and have walked away denying that Jesus is the Christ. These people will speak their opinion of how they have heard of this Jesus before. They will speak of how they went to a church for a while but don’t believe or they have their own version of the truth of God, which is not truth at all. 

1 John 2:18-27 speaks of people who were, at one time, part of the church. They claimed to be a part of what was happening in the church but had now left and began to speak of their disbelief in who Jesus claimed to be. (The term used to describe these people in the scripture is antichrists, those who deny that Jesus is the Christ.) Those who had heard the gospel, and spent much time with believers, now were taking portions of what they had heard and created their own understanding of truth. They were trying to deceive those who knew the truth with lies and distorted teaching.

What can we do to not fall to the deception of those who speak a twisted, false gospel? First you must know the truth. Truth includes a singular faith that Jesus is the Christ and that He is one with God. Understanding and applying truth comes through the divine power of God conferred on us through the Holy Spirit. This anointing, as scripture refers to, is received as we have placed our life, through faith, in the hands of God. Second, you must abide in Christ. To abide is to dwell, immerse yourself, permeate your life with the things of God. As we abide in Christ there becomes no room for any falsehood, no space for deception, no avenue for temptation.

The incredible blessing for those who know and confess the truth is God’s promise of eternal life. Eternal life begins at the time when you confess your faith in Christ as God’s son and place your life in His hands. That is the beginning of an eternal journey with God. A journey of transformation to become more like Him, full of grace and truth.

Who do you trust as your source of truth?

If you have been told the stories of truth but have never believed or confessed Christ as your savior, what is keeping you from making that decision? Is it a matter of distorted understanding of the truth?
Why don’t you call out to Him today? Look to the Source of Truth that knows everything about your life from when you were born to when you will die, and everything in-between.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We Have a Choice

Life is full of choices. They can be as simple as what we are having for lunch or as difficult as whom we should marry or what job we should take. Each choice we make reveals something about us. When it comes to our decision for where to go to lunch, it reveals the type of food we like, or what types of restaurants we enjoy. One of my favorite places for lunch is a small restaurant in downtown Columbia called “The No Name Deli”. Their prime rib sub is probably one of the best sandwiches I have ever eaten. The choice I make to have a prime rib sub with fries reveals that I am not real concerned about my diet.

When it comes to more important things in life, not that my health is not important, our choices reveal our priorities, our attitude, our convictions and our character. Our choices reveal what we love.

1 John 2:15-17 asks what do we love? The scripture tells us we have a choice between loving the world and the things of the world or loving God. There is no middle ground, “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” What is there to love about this world? Verse 16 gives us three foundational pieces to which all love for this world is found. Desires of the flesh, desires of the eyes, and the pride of life.

The desires of the flesh would include gluttony (food), alcohol, drugs, lust/sex, and anything that our bodies would crave.

The desires of the eyes would include things which we see that we believe we must have. Seeing something someone else has that we believe we must have. It can be their car, house, or even their spouse. Our eyes can make us jealous and envious so that we are never satisfied with the life we have been given.

The pride of life leads us to a place where we only think of ourselves. The central focus on pride is me and my belief that I can do this life on my own without God’s help. Pride leads to selfishness, arrogance and contempt to anyone who doesn’t think the same as you.

You might be saying that you don’t love these things or that you do not choose them every day. The scripture uses the word “loves” as a description that can be understood as a passion, a longing, even a craving. As one who is a follower of Christ, one who loves God, you have left that passion behind. Not saying that you are not tempted and fall to these things at times, but when you do it is followed by a conviction by the Holy Spirit to reveal the sin we have fallen to. Your passions and your love are for God and you desire to do His will. What is the difference? Your love for God.

Where do your passions lie? For God or the desires and passions of this world? It cannot be both.

How do you resist and turn from the things of the world? Love the Father. Make choices that you know would be pleasing to Him. Turn and run from the desires of the flesh and eyes and the pride of life. Why? Because they are passing away. The thrill, the high, the buzz, or the moment of happiness that you think they might bring will fade very fast. 1 John 1:4 talks about believers sharing the eternal, hope filled message of Christ with others so that their joy might be complete. They knew the joy of being a believer in Christ, a child of God. A joy that is eternal. A joy that gives more satisfaction than anything this world can offer.

When was the last time you evaluated your choices?

Have you taken time to ask the question, “What does my choice say about who I am or what I love?” 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

I Know Him

In 26+ years of ministry in either Southern Baptist churches or denominational work, I have had the privilege of meeting many people.  People that have been members of churches I have been a part of, pastors in communities where I have served, professionals who have helped in many aspects of ministry, and various leaders across our denomination.  It seems that when conversations arise, and a resource is needed, I jokingly say “hey, I know a guy”. But thinking of the word “know”, I ask myself the question “how many people do I really know?” We can know someone because of their career, what they can do in their job. We can know someone casually, we see them in passing in the neighborhood, maybe talk for a few minutes, know the basic facts of them and their family. We can know someone personally, know about their family, job, interests, hang out socially, even talk about frustrations and problems. The true question is how many people do we know intimately, knowing what makes them tick, what brings them happiness, what their heart is feeling, what they have as dreams and goals, what they fear.

Each type of knowing someone is built on the foundation of relationships. 1 John 2:7-14 shares that the light of Christ is already shining in this world and how it can powerfully shine through believers when we love each other. Shining light in our relationships means being around that person who you know will always be honest with you, who speaks the truth in love and who has your best interest at heart. Conversely in a relationship where darkness has blinded our eyes, you might continually be concerned about what someone will say.  Will truth be spoken, or will words be in anger or deceit? In this type of relationship, you are always wondering what that person will say next, you really don’t know them or can trust them. These relationships do not have a foundation of love and will not shine the light of Christ.

Verses 12-14 describes the life of those who know Christ and His sacrifice which allows them to truly know the Father. The description found in these verses seems to describe physical age but really is focusing on the development of the believer. 

For those who know Him as little children, their sins are forgiven but they do not know what it means to abide in Him or to walk in faith each day. They are early in their growth as a believer, that is why we must do our best to help them grow stronger and more mature each day.

For those who know Him as young men, they are learning how to overcome temptation in their life, to grow stronger in their faith, and have to allow the Word of God to abide in their hearts.

For those who are fathers in the faith, they know him who is from the beginning. These believers have matured in their faith where they understand the power and glory of John 1:1-4. (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life,1 and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ESV) They know the faithfulness of God through all generations, the power of God to protect His people, the mercy of God that gives us His salvation, and the provision of God that will give us everything that is good.

How do you know God today? Do you know Him casually, socially, or intimately?

I hope you know Him intimately, where your relationship with Him is one where you walk daily with Him, sharing your fears, your happiness, your heart. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

What Can Be Said

Have you ever been put in a position where you had to speak on behalf of someone else? Well if you have a brother or sister you probably experienced it many times. I even find myself doing it when I tell one of my kids, “you go tell your sister that I said…”. For some reason the one who is taking the message doesn’t always get the same response as if we gave the message ourselves. In ancient days couriers would carry messages on scrolls or folded paper that would be sealed with the imprint of the king’s ring, symbolizing that the king’s authority accompanied the message on that paper.

Jesus Christ came to this earth as one with the complete authority and power of God the Father. His mission was to bring to God’s creation a message of love, surrender, repentance, and faith. For those who respond in faith to His message, He becomes their advocate to God. (1 John 2:1) Jesus Christ is not only the Word of God, the source of creation and life (John 1:1-4), but He is the one who speaks on our behalf to God. (1 Timothy 2:5) He is able, as the perfect Son of God, to bring God’s message to mankind, and represent sinful man, because He is the righteous (1 John 2:1). Every part of Him displays the holiness of God. His actions, words, and heart are just and pure. Therefore, He is the only one that could satisfy God’s holy law as the payment for the penalty of our sin (propitiation).

1 John 2:1-6 challenges us with the question that if Jesus Christ is our advocate to God the Father, what is he saying about us? Am I displaying a life that has come to know Him because I am keeping His commandments? Not just the commandments found in Exodus but the commands that he gives to live a separate life from this world, to love my neighbor, to keep my mind pure, to share my faith, and so much more.  Because if we truly know Him, these things and more will be the desire, passion, and mission of our life.

So, what do we desire in our life? What are we truly passionate about? What do we wake up every morning thinking about that is our mission? The blessed promise of God in 1 John 2:5 says that if our desire, passion and mission is to keep the Word of God then truly the love of God is perfected. The message that Christ delivered to us was not to stop with us but continue to others as they see the life of Christ living through us. To abide daily in Christ, we walk in the same way He walked. (v.6)

What does that walk look like for you and me as believers?

Do we stay in daily communication with God the Father? (Mark 1:35)

Do we put our will aside to do the will of the Father? (John 4:34)

Do we stay focused on the task He sent us to do? To take His message to the lost world. (John 17:1-4)

My heart is amazed that the God of the universe thought so much of me, His creation, that He would sacrifice His Son in order to pay for my sin debt, giving me a purpose and a hope. And even more, call me to live my life as Jesus did in sacrifice, obedience and to tell others God’s message of love, surrender, repentance, and faith. It is a message that is ever so important, would you share it today?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Let it Shine

So many things come to mind when I think of the word darkness.  I think of walking into the woods when there was no moon and it was so dark that I couldn’t see the ground where I was putting my foot next. I can remember standing in my yard after a hurricane passed over, no electricity for miles, and I couldn’t see my car in the driveway. This kind of darkness brings fear and anxiety. Fear because you cannot see what could possibly hurt you or anxiety not knowing what lies around the corner.

I can also remember a different kind of darkness, one that hits you inside.  Darkness can move into our lives through sadness, anxiety, anger, and even stress. The internal darkness is a place where we feel some of the same things as physical darkness.  Fear not knowing what, or who, could hurt you next in life. Sadness, from grief, that has left uncertainty and loneliness. Anxiety because you feel you have no control. Anger because of what someone has said or done to you. And stress because you cannot see an end to your current situation.  

The opposite of darkness is light.  Some definitions of darkness say that it is an absence of light. Recently, we installed new lighting in the parking lot of the office building where I work, and it is amazing some of the responses we received. Comments like, “it’s so bright it’s like a stadium”, “I feel so much safer knowing I can see everything around me”.  Having the ability to see clearly brings calmness and a sense of security.

1 John 1:5-10 gives insight about light for life. In verse 5 it says that God is light. As light, God reveals truth about life, nothing can be hidden, all is revealed, nothing is unseen. God’s light reveals the truth that His love for us is greater than the hurt that comes from others. God’s light reveals the truth that He never leaves us and comforts us when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. (Psalm 23:4) God’s light reveals the truth that the purpose of the Lord will stand (Proverbs 19:21) when the life around us feels out of control. And God’s light will reveal the truth of people’s actions toward us and that He knows the hurt in our heart.

God’s light also reveals something deeper in our heart. Often our fear is because we do not trust God with what is going on in our life. We feel we can handle things on our own without God’s help, which is pride, or we have yet to go before God and earnestly seek His direction for the next step in life.

Does His light reveal that the anxiety and stress is coming from a life not surrendered to His will and purpose? Has a deep desire to be satisfied with the things of this world left no room for the peace and contentment that only God can give?

As God’s light reveals these areas of life it is a blessing to know that when I find myself in a place where I have allowed darkness into my life that I can go to God through the blood of Jesus Christ.  v.9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God deeply desires for us to have fellowship with Him and with one another as fellow believers. He wants us to live in truth not in darkness. Truth that tells us not to be deceived by the lies of our enemy the devil.

What do you need to confess to God today? Is it pride? Is it a lack of trust in God? Is it a lack of satisfaction?

What do you need to ask God for today? Direction? Contentment? Peace?

Praise Him for His light that reveals truth and promises to give us hope and peace.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Complete Joy

Each day brings a certain measure of uncertainty that can cause the hearts of people to experience multiple emotions within that same day.  Emotions of fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness, pride and so much more can all happen within the same day.  But when we are at the end of the day, no matter what the circumstance do we find joy? Joy is not an emotion, or a feeling. It is not something we give ourselves or can purchase with any amount of money.  Joy is not imposed on us by others. So, in comparison to our emotions, joy is not influenced by circumstances brought on by the issues of life.  Our work cannot change joy. Our health cannot change joy. Our job cannot change joy. People cannot change joy.  Joy is eternal, never changing, always faithful. 

1 John 1:1-4 tells us about true joy.  In verse 1 we see that joy comes from, “That which was from the beginning,”. The one who created life itself is the one who can give us true joy.  God created us, he knows what our body, mind and spirit need for each day.  He understands the pain, sadness, and fear that we experience each day of life.  That is why he sent to mankind “the word of life”.  Jesus Christ, the son of God came so that we might know joy.  

We have been given the opportunity to hear the message of Christ and the sacrifice of His life to pay for the penalty of our sin.  We can see how He has transformed lives with His forgiveness which gives, everyone who believes, true joy. And for those who have heard the message, seen and know His forgiveness, it is now out of the overflow of our relationship with Him that we proclaim it to all.

Why do we proclaim this message? As we understand that we have received undeserved forgiveness because of the sacrifice of the son of God, our hearts should be filled with compassion for those who have not yet heard. 

Is your life filled with the joy of knowing that every day, from now into eternity, is in the protective hands of our almighty God? No matter what the uncertainties of this earthly life will bring, our hope is in the one who is the “word of life”.

Are you ready to share what you have seen and heard so that others may have that same joy?

1 John 1:3-4 (ESV) – that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.

Complete joy, seeing and hearing how the love and forgiveness of God has transformed the lives of others.  Complete joy is touching the lives of others with the word of live so that we have the commonality of knowing the savior. Complete joy is knowing we have been obedient to God’s call in our life to proclaim His message of hope.

Who can you share joy with today?

What voices can you tune out so that the voice of God can be clear in your heart?

How will you proclaim the word of life with today?