Monday, March 23, 2020

Complete Joy

Each day brings a certain measure of uncertainty that can cause the hearts of people to experience multiple emotions within that same day.  Emotions of fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness, pride and so much more can all happen within the same day.  But when we are at the end of the day, no matter what the circumstance do we find joy? Joy is not an emotion, or a feeling. It is not something we give ourselves or can purchase with any amount of money.  Joy is not imposed on us by others. So, in comparison to our emotions, joy is not influenced by circumstances brought on by the issues of life.  Our work cannot change joy. Our health cannot change joy. Our job cannot change joy. People cannot change joy.  Joy is eternal, never changing, always faithful. 

1 John 1:1-4 tells us about true joy.  In verse 1 we see that joy comes from, “That which was from the beginning,”. The one who created life itself is the one who can give us true joy.  God created us, he knows what our body, mind and spirit need for each day.  He understands the pain, sadness, and fear that we experience each day of life.  That is why he sent to mankind “the word of life”.  Jesus Christ, the son of God came so that we might know joy.  

We have been given the opportunity to hear the message of Christ and the sacrifice of His life to pay for the penalty of our sin.  We can see how He has transformed lives with His forgiveness which gives, everyone who believes, true joy. And for those who have heard the message, seen and know His forgiveness, it is now out of the overflow of our relationship with Him that we proclaim it to all.

Why do we proclaim this message? As we understand that we have received undeserved forgiveness because of the sacrifice of the son of God, our hearts should be filled with compassion for those who have not yet heard. 

Is your life filled with the joy of knowing that every day, from now into eternity, is in the protective hands of our almighty God? No matter what the uncertainties of this earthly life will bring, our hope is in the one who is the “word of life”.

Are you ready to share what you have seen and heard so that others may have that same joy?

1 John 1:3-4 (ESV) – that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.

Complete joy, seeing and hearing how the love and forgiveness of God has transformed the lives of others.  Complete joy is touching the lives of others with the word of live so that we have the commonality of knowing the savior. Complete joy is knowing we have been obedient to God’s call in our life to proclaim His message of hope.

Who can you share joy with today?

What voices can you tune out so that the voice of God can be clear in your heart?

How will you proclaim the word of life with today?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding us that in this tragic time we can experience Joy as well as bring it to others if we look to the LORD.
