Friday, March 27, 2020

What Can Be Said

Have you ever been put in a position where you had to speak on behalf of someone else? Well if you have a brother or sister you probably experienced it many times. I even find myself doing it when I tell one of my kids, “you go tell your sister that I said…”. For some reason the one who is taking the message doesn’t always get the same response as if we gave the message ourselves. In ancient days couriers would carry messages on scrolls or folded paper that would be sealed with the imprint of the king’s ring, symbolizing that the king’s authority accompanied the message on that paper.

Jesus Christ came to this earth as one with the complete authority and power of God the Father. His mission was to bring to God’s creation a message of love, surrender, repentance, and faith. For those who respond in faith to His message, He becomes their advocate to God. (1 John 2:1) Jesus Christ is not only the Word of God, the source of creation and life (John 1:1-4), but He is the one who speaks on our behalf to God. (1 Timothy 2:5) He is able, as the perfect Son of God, to bring God’s message to mankind, and represent sinful man, because He is the righteous (1 John 2:1). Every part of Him displays the holiness of God. His actions, words, and heart are just and pure. Therefore, He is the only one that could satisfy God’s holy law as the payment for the penalty of our sin (propitiation).

1 John 2:1-6 challenges us with the question that if Jesus Christ is our advocate to God the Father, what is he saying about us? Am I displaying a life that has come to know Him because I am keeping His commandments? Not just the commandments found in Exodus but the commands that he gives to live a separate life from this world, to love my neighbor, to keep my mind pure, to share my faith, and so much more.  Because if we truly know Him, these things and more will be the desire, passion, and mission of our life.

So, what do we desire in our life? What are we truly passionate about? What do we wake up every morning thinking about that is our mission? The blessed promise of God in 1 John 2:5 says that if our desire, passion and mission is to keep the Word of God then truly the love of God is perfected. The message that Christ delivered to us was not to stop with us but continue to others as they see the life of Christ living through us. To abide daily in Christ, we walk in the same way He walked. (v.6)

What does that walk look like for you and me as believers?

Do we stay in daily communication with God the Father? (Mark 1:35)

Do we put our will aside to do the will of the Father? (John 4:34)

Do we stay focused on the task He sent us to do? To take His message to the lost world. (John 17:1-4)

My heart is amazed that the God of the universe thought so much of me, His creation, that He would sacrifice His Son in order to pay for my sin debt, giving me a purpose and a hope. And even more, call me to live my life as Jesus did in sacrifice, obedience and to tell others God’s message of love, surrender, repentance, and faith. It is a message that is ever so important, would you share it today?

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